Get Personalized Information for Your Skin Concerns
What is this dry patch on my arm? Does this mole look normal? Why do I keep breaking out around my mouth? If you’re like the majority of internet users, you’ve turned to the web with your perplexing skin condition. The problem is that online symptom checkers are wrong half the time, the information may not be from a trustworthy source, and they’re often full of medical jargon that can be hard to interpret.
Now you can get clear information on your skin-related questions to take to your healthcare professional with the help of Aysa. Aysa is an app developed by VisualDx, the same company behind SkinSight. VisualDx is a physician-led company with a deep knowledge base and understanding of dermatology that has been trusted for over 20 years.
To use Aysa, simply take a photo of the affected area. Aysa is an artificial intelligence (AI) image search, providing contextual information for a variety of skin conditions . Aysa does not diagnose or take the place of a physician.
The app consistently receives 5-star reviews in the App stores:
“So happy!” says one user. “This app saved me a trip to the doctor and put my mind at ease.”
“I’ve been trying to figure out what’s on my arm for MONTHS. This app did it in seconds and I couldn’t find an answer anywhere else on the web…. A life saver.”
“As a mom of two girls, having an app that gives me personalized information on rashes and skin issues is really invaluable. I found the Aysa app easy to use and I felt the information it provided was trustworthy.”
Download the app today. Aysa is available for free for Android and iPhone. More information can be found at AskAysa.com.
Last modified on January 4th, 2024 at 12:04 pm