Possible Skin Conditions
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Adult, Female, Buttocks (Edit search)
The links below will take you to information about the conditions that may affect the buttocks in adults. The buttocks are prone to skin infections may go unnoticed because they are difficult for the person they affect to see. Simple infections of the hair follicles, called folliculitis, are common. These simple infections will often resolve without treatment but may also spread, causing cellulitis or a furuncle (boil), which will often need antibiotics or drainage in a doctor's care. People who are bed bound are at risk for bed sores (decubitus ulcers) because they may not be able to shift position. These ulcers can become quite severe and lead to a significant infection or loss of skin and muscle. Many other skin conditions, such as rashes, are also common to this area. Click the links below for more information relating to the adult female buttocks.