Possible Skin Conditions
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Child, Male, Widespread (Edit search)
Displayed below are pictures of rashes that can be found over a child's entire body (widespread). Generally, rashes that are the result of a virus appear red and similar to sunburns. Such viral rashes can be from a variety of conditions, including fifth disease or "slapped cheek" disease (erythema infectiosum), German measles (rubella), and sixth disease (roseola). Chickenpox can present as a widespread, itchy rash consisting of tiny red bumps. Other widespread rashes that have no relationship to an infection include dermatitis and psoriasis. These long-lasting skin conditions can be found in multiple areas of the skin. Hives, the inflammatory response from an allergen, can also appear and disappear all over the body. The images below contain more information about who is at risk and when to seek medical care for these widespread rashes.