Possible Skin Conditions
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Child, Female, Chin (Edit search)
The images on this page display health conditions affecting the chin of children. The chin is an area on the face that is frequently touched, so it is vulnerable to contagious rashes including ringworm (a red, itchy fungal rash) and impetigo (honey-colored, crusty sores caused by bacteria). Itchy rashes on the chin are often caused by a dermatitis, which is the result of an allergen or irritant touching the skin. Moles and warts can also be found on the chin. Acne vulgaris, which is commonly known as pimples, can be located on the skin as well. To learn more about these skin conditions and others, such as vitiligo (white patches of skin) and molluscum contagiosum (pearly white, wart-like bumps), click a photo below.