Possible Skin Conditions
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Child, Male, Cheek / Beard Area (Edit search)
The photographs below are those of skin diseases seen on the cheek area of children. Pimples and other blemishes (acne) are often present in this area along with small, whitish bumps called milia. Itchy rashes may be from contact dermatitis or psoriasis. Red, oozing rashes, such as those from poison ivy, may appear on the cheeks if children touched their faces after touching the poison ivy plant. Dry, flaky skin similar to dandruff is formally called seborrheic dermatitis. Certain viruses will cause red sunburn-like rashes to appear on the cheeks, such as with the "slapped cheek" appearance of fifth disease. As with the rest of the skin on the body, warts and moles can appear on the face. A bacterial infection may cause impetigo, honey-crusted lesions that are found on the cheek area or by the mouth. To discover more about these diseases, click a photo below.