Possible Skin Conditions
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Adult, Male, Cheek / Beard Area (Edit search)
On the page below you will find pictures and information about the conditions that can affect the cheek and beard area in adults. The cheek area in men is the site of some unique problems. Shaving and products used to aid in shaving can cause injury and irritation to the skin, and contact irritant dermatitis is not uncommon when changing shaving products. In men with tightly curled facial hair, cut hairs can grow back into the skin, causing razor bumps (pseudofolliculitis barbae). Tinea barbae is ringworm of the beard area and can be complicated by shaving. Seborrheic dermatitis is caused by overproduction of skin cells and can cause flaking of the skin on the cheek and under beards. As with any part of the face, skin damage is always a concern. Skin cancer and other conditions are common in the cheek.