Possible Skin Conditions
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Adult, Female, Face (Edit search)
Click the pictures below for information about the conditions that can affect the face in adults. A very common problem affecting the skin on the face is acne. While acne is less common in adults than teens, younger adults still commonly suffer from acne vulgaris similar to adolescents. As people age, rosacea is a more common acne-like condition. Rashes, in general, are very common on the face. Often, these are the result of using cosmetics or other products that cause dermatides such as allergic contact dermatitis or irritant contact dermatitis. Some diseases, such as lupus, have distinct facial rashes. People of African and Asian decent commonly develop small, dark, harmless lesions on their faces called dermatosis papulosa nigra. In general, the face is exposed to a great deal of sunlight, which over the course of a lifetime can lead to many types of skin damage, including the development of skin cancer.